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South West London Pilates

Pilates Mat classes- days and times are listed below:
Mondays at Rowledge Village Hall:
9:00-10:00 am-Mat Mixed Level
Mondays at Rowledge Village Hall:
10:15-11:15-Active Aging
(Pilates for Seniors)
Mondays Online Via Zoom:
8:00-8:45 pm-Intermediate/Advanced Mat
Fridays at Rowledge Village Hall:
9:00-10:00 am -Mat Mixed Level
**Please see the Terms and Conditions or contact me for booking and cancellation policy details.**
All Classes, apart from the Zoom class are block bookings only. If you'd like to try a class before joining the full block then contact me to reserve your spot.
If you miss your regular class you can catch up for your missed session in a different class providing there is space on the day. Alternatively, you can opt to receive a recording.
A Block of 6 classes, payable in advance: £78
(Valid for that block only)
One off trial class: £15
Online Live Zoom Class: £10
One to One Sessions:
Our 1:1 sessions can be held in my home or yours.
In my home studio I have a Wunda Chair which I usually combine with
small equipment and regular mat exercises.
For a well rounded workout combining cardiovascular health with the strength and mobility work
you can opt to combine Pilates with Rowing on my Waterrower.
*Single 1 hour session: £55
*A Block of 5 sessions: £250 (valid for 8 weeks)
*30 minutes Express session: £25
*A block of 5 Express sessions: £120 (valid for 8 weeks)
Options for 1:1's:
*Pilates Only
*Rowing Only
*Pilates + Rowing
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